NAV Navbar
protobuf json
  • Overview
  • Build Nodeserver
  • Run the daemon (Bitcoin Core)
  • Block structure
  • Transactions
  • Ethereum Deployment
  • Main Net Deployment
  • Blockchain Development
  • Command Line Interface
  • Overview

    Welcome to the Node Server API docs!

    Blockchain API

    The system is a distributed ledger platform, capable of storing all history of state-changing actions (called transactions) in immutable linear history (called blockchain). The system is intended to be used in enterprise or between untrusted agents as private chain platform, but not as a public chain — key difference is that not everyone is allowed to store the whole history. A subset of users can only query some data (perform a query) if their accounts have required permissions, while others maintain a peer is a peer network), which stores history.

    Reliability and security are provided with cryptographic capabilities and Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus algorithm. The system is targeted to environments, where client applications are very diverse (desktop, various mobile platforms), and peer hardware varies from embedded systems to enterprise-class servers.

    Purpose of the docs you are reading

    The documentation describes the endpoints for users to send transactions to peer network, containing one or many commands to perform allowed actions in the system, and also make queries to know the current state. Also the documentation contains explanation how to build the system, how to run it and other applicable tutorials.

    The API is organized around protobuf format, as nodeserver is using gRPC in transport level. Nodeserver CLI and block store use JSON format to provide developer-friendly experience for contributors. Feel free to check both sections for protobuf and JSON while exploring docs.

    Try it yourself

    To try out a basic API functionality, do the following:

    1. Run the system (Nodeserver daemon) on a single node.
    2. Run Nodeserver-cli in interactive mode. Command Line Interface app is a client, showing the capabilities of the system.
    3. Select a necessary action to perform. As you created an initial configuration in genesis block — use the account from genesis block to send transaction or make a query.
    4. When you fill all the necessary details for commands and formed a transaction; or if you formed a query — you are ready to send it to nodeserver peer. Tell the network address and port (by default it is 50051).


    To launch Nodeserver peer network, an executable daemon should be launched. Currently we support Unix-like systems (we are basically targeting at popular Linux distros and macOS), while Windows remains to be a challenge for community and we don't have any plans to support it so far.

    If you happen to have Windows or you don't want to spend time figuring out troubles with dependencies on your system — please use Docker environment, made with care for new contributors of Nodeserver (and hostages of Windows).


    Please, use latest available docker daemon and docker-compose. If you have troubles launching Docker container — it is likely that you have an outdated version.

    Clone Git repository

    Clone hyperledger repository in any convenient folder on your machine.

    Cloning Hyperledger

    git clone -b develop --depth=1 \

    How to run development environment

    Run the script, contained in the folder scripts: sh .../node/scripts/

    After you execute this script, following things happen:

    1. The script checks if you don't have containers with Nodeserver already running. It ends up with reattaching you to interactive shell upon succesful completion.
    2. The script will download Nodeserver-docker-develop, redis and postgres images. Nodeserver image contains all development dependencies, and is based on top of ubuntu:16.04.
    3. Three containers are created and launched.
    4. The user is attached to the interactive environment for development and testing with node folder mounted from the host machine. Nodeserver folder is mounted to /opt/node in Docker container.

    Build project and run tests


    cmake -H. -Bbuild;
    cmake --build build -- -j$(nproc)

    Run shell commands from "Build" section on the right. Built binaries (Nodeserver and Nodeserver-cli) will be in ./build/bin directory.

    After you built the project — please run tests to check the operability of the daemon.

    Cmake parameters

    We use CMake to build platform-dependent build files. It has numerous of the flags for configuring the final build. Note that beside the listed params cmake's vars can be useful as well. Also as long as this page can be deprecated (or just not complete) you can browse custom flags via cmake -L, cmake-gui, or ccmake.

    Main params

    Parameter Possible values Default Description
    TESTING ON/OFF ON Enables or disables build of the tests
    BENCHMARKING ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables build of the benchmarks
    COVERAGE ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables coverage
    SWIG_PYTHON ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables libraries and native interface bindings for python
    SWIG_JAVA ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables libraries and native interface bindings for java

    Packaging specific params

    Parameter Possible values Default Description
    ENABLE_LIBS_PACKAGING ON/OFF ON Enables or disables all types of packaging
    PACKAGE_ZIP ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables zip packaging
    PACKAGE_TGZ ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables tar.gz packaging
    PACKAGE_RPM ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables rpm packaging
    PACKAGE_DEB ON/OFF OFF Enables or disables deb packaging

    Add to Nodeserver and Nodeserver-cli to path (optional)

    export PATH=.../Nodeserver/build/bin:$PATH

    How to run tests method #1

    cmake --build build --target test

    How to run tests method #2

    ctest . # in build folder

    Execute Nodeserver-cli with Nodeserver running

    Execute again to attach to existing container.

    Linux or macOS

    Launching Docker and Postgres in Docker

    docker run --name some-redis \
    -p 6379:6379 \
    -d redis:3.2.8
    docker run --name some-postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -d postgres:9.5

    To launch Nodeserver daemon, running postgres and redis services are required. You may launch them on your local machine, or use docker containers, as provided on the right side.

    Linux (debian-based)

    To install dependencies, clone, and build the project, please use this code:

    Outdated dependencies

    In case that some dependencies are outdated in apt, you are advised to use following sources to install dependencies:


    To install Boost libraries (libboost-all-dev), use current release from Boost webpage, or use debian repository for latest library. The only dependencies are system and filesystem, so use ./ --with-libraries=system,filesystem when you are building the project.


    To install CMake tool (cmake), use latest release from CMake webpage.


    macOS brew

    brew tap soramitsu/Nodeserver
    brew install Nodeserver

    To install dependencies, clone, and build the project, please use this code:

    Run the daemon (Nodeserver)

    Create genesis block

    A genesis block is the first block in the chain.

    Important: each peer in the initialized network should have exactly the same genesis block, so create it once and distribute across peers. This block may have any data, as no-one validates it in the peer network.

    Using Nodeserver-cli

    Create list of peers

    Create peers.list file containing network addresses of peers' internal ports in the network (10001 by default) a single peer address goes on new line. If you want to run Nodeserver on single peer, it is sufficient to mention only localhost:
    $ echo 'localhost:10001' > peers.list

    As an example, for 4 peers the file will look like the following:

    Use Nodeserver-cli

    Generate genesis block using Nodeserver-cli (see shell command on the right side).

    Iroha-cli tool is used to generate keypairs for every peer, mentioned in the peers list. This is done only for convenience — in production environment please consider using manual or more trusted approach.

    Generating genesis block

    $ Nodeserver-cli --genesis_block \ 
    --peers_address peers.list

    Executing this command will result in generation of following files:


    Follow JSON structure of the block, as it is reflected in JSON schema for the block.

    Prepare configuration file

    Configuration file keeps information about storage credentials and Nodeserver parameters:

    Parameter Type Meaning
    block_store_path string Path to store blocks of committed transactions (flat file storage)
    torii_port integer Port to access Nodeserver node gRPC (default 50051)
    internal_port integer Port for communication between ordering service, YAC consensus and block loader for synchronization (default 10001)
    pg_opt string Postgres credentials
    redis_host string Redis host IP address
    redis_port integer Port to access redis storage
    max_proposal_size integer Maximum size of created proposals
    proposal_delay integer The period of time (in ms) used to prepare proposal of transactions
    vote_delay integer The period of time (in ms) of spreading vote across the network
    load_delay integer The period of time (in ms) between synchronizations between peers


    Launch Nodeserver

    To launch Nodeserver daemon, following parameters must be passed:

    Parameter Meaning
    config configuration file, containing postgres, and redis connection, and values to tune the system
    genesis_block initial block in the ledger
    keypair_name private and public key file names without file extension. Used by peer to sign the blocks

    Use this command to launch Nodeserver:

    Nodeserver --config example/config.sample --genesis_block example/genesis.block --keypair_name example/node0

    Block structure


    In order to understand contents of the block better, this section tells about its parts:

    Outside payload

    Inside payload



    message Transaction {
      Payload payload = 1;
      repeated Signature signature = 2;
        /* Transaction */
        "signatures": array of objects,
        "created_ts": int(13),
        "creator_account_id": string(?),
        "tx_counter": int,
        "commands": array of objects

    A transaction is a state-changing set of actions in the system. When a transaction passes validation and consensus stages, it is written in a block and saved in immutable block store (blockchain).

    Transactions consist of commands, performing an action over an entity in the system. The entity might be an account, asset, etc. — more in entity-relationship model page.

    Communication between Nodeserver peer and a client application is maintained via gRPC framework. Client applications should follow described protocol and form transactions accordingly to the description below.

    Transaction structure

    Each transaction consists of two parts:


    message Payload {
      repeated Command commands = 1;
      string creator_account_id = 2;
      uint64 tx_counter  = 3;
      uint64 created_time = 4;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": string(?),
                /* other command-specific fields */
        "creator_account_id": string(?),
        "tx_counter": int,
        "created_ts": int(13)


    message Signature {
       bytes pubkey    = 1;
       bytes signature = 2;
        "signatures": [
                "pubkey": string(64),
                "signature": string(128),

    Payload stores all transaction fields, except signatures:

    Signatures contain one or many signatures (ed25519 public key + signature):

    Transaction statuses

    The current version of Nodeserver peer follows client pull principle for networking. It means that client should be proactive and request the state of a transaction from a peer.

    This section describes the set of states and matches them with transaction lifecycle.



    A command changes the state, called World State View, by performing an action over an entity (asset, account) in the system. Any command should be included in a transaction to perform an action.

    Add asset quantity


    The purpose of add asset quantity command is to increase the quantity of an asset on account of transaction creator. Use case scenario is to increase the number of mutable asset in the system, which can act as a claim on a commodity (e.g. money, gold, etc.)


    message AddAssetQuantity {
        string account_id = 1;
        string asset_id = 2;
        Amount amount = 3;
    message uint256 {
       uint64 first = 1;
       uint64 second = 2;
       uint64 third = 3;
       uint64 fourth = 4;
    message Amount {
       uint256 value = 1;
       uint32 precision = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "AddAssetQuantity",
                "account_id": "test@test",
                "asset_id": "coin#test",
                "amount": {
                    "value": string,
                    "precision": int
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id in which to add asset account_name@domain
    Asset ID id of the asset asset#account
    Amount positive amount of the asset to add > 0


    1. Asset and account should exist
    2. Added quantity precision should be equal to asset precision
    3. Creator of transaction should have role which has permissions for issuing assets
    4. Creator of transaction adds account quantity to his/her account only

    Add peer


    The purpose of add peer command is to write into ledger the fact of peer addition into the peer network. After the peer was added, consensus and synchronization components will start using it.


    message AddPeer {
        Peer peer = 1;
    message Peer {
        string address = 1;
        bytes peer_key = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "AddPeer",
                "peer": {
                    "address": "",
                    "peer_key": string(64)
    Field Description Constraint
    Address resolvable address in network (IPv4, IPv6, domain name, etc.) should be resolvable
    Peer key peer public key, which will be used in consensus algorithm to sign-off vote, commit, reject messages ed25519 public key


    1. Creator of the transaction has a role which has CanAddPeer permission.
    2. Such network address has not been already added.

    Add signatory


    The purpose of add signatory command is to add an identifier to the account. Such identifier is a public key of another device or a public key of another user.


    message AddSignatory {
        string account_id = 1;
        bytes public_key = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "AddSignatory",
                "account_id": "test@test",
                "public_key": string(64)
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID Account to which to add signatory account_name@domain
    Public key Signatory to add to account ed25519 public key


    Two cases: Case 1. Transaction creator wants to add signatory to his or her account, having permission CanAddSignatory Case 2. CanAddSignatory was granted to transaction creator

    Append role


    The purpose of append role command is to promote an account to some created role in the system, where role is a set of permissions account has to perform an action (command or query).


    message AppendRole {
       string account_id = 1;
       string role_name = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "AppendRole",
                "account_id": "takemiya@test",
                "role_name": "Administrator"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID id or account to append role to already existent, account_name@domain
    Role name name of already created role already existent, [A-Za-z0-9_]{1,7}


    1. Role should exist in the system
    2. Transaction creator should have permissions to append role (CanAppendRole)
    3. Account, which appends role, has set of permissions in his roles bigger than or equal to the size of permission set of appended role.

    Create account


    The purpose of create account command is to make entity in the system, capable of sending transactions or queries, storing signatories, personal data and identifiers.


    message CreateAccount {
        string account_name = 1;
        string domain_id = 2;
        bytes main_pubkey = 3;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "CreateAccount",
                "account_name": "makoto.takemiya",
                "domain_id": "test",
                "main_pubkey": string
    Field Description Constraint
    Account name domain-unique name for account A string in domain-name syntax defined in RFC1035. An account name is a list of labels separated by a period .. A label is a sequence of characters in [a-zA-Z-]. The length of a label must not exceed 63 characters
    Domain ID target domain to make relation with should be created before the account, [0-9A-Za-z]{1,9}
    Main pubkey first public key to add to the account ed25519 public key


    1. Transaction creator has permission to create account
    2. Domain, passed as domain_id, has already been created in the system
    3. Such public key has not been added before as first public key of account or added to multi-signature account

    Create asset


    The purpose of сreate asset command is to create a new type of asset, unique in a domain. An asset is a countable representation of a commodity.


    message CreateAsset {
        string asset_name = 1;
        string domain_id = 2;
        uint32 precision = 3;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "CreateAsset",
                "asset_name": "usd",
                "domain_id": "test",
                "precision": "2"
    Field Description Constraint
    Asset name domain-unique name for asset [A-Za-z0-9]{1,9}
    Domain ID target domain to make relation with should be created before the asset, [A-Za-z0-9]{1,9}
    Precision number of digits after comma/dot 0 <= precision <= uint32 max


    1. Transaction creator has permission to create assets
    2. Asset name is unique per domain

    Create domain


    The purpose of create domain command is to make new domain in Nodeserver network, which is a group of accounts.


    message CreateDomain {
        string domain_id = 1;
        string default_role = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "CreateDomain",
                "domain_id": "test2",
                "default_role": "User"
    Field Description Constraint
    Domain ID ID for created domain unique, [0-9A-Za-z]{1,9}
    Default role role for any created user in the domain one of the existing roles


    1. domain id is unique
    2. Account, who sends this command in transaction, has role with permission to create domain
    3. Role, which will be assigned to created user by default

    Create role


    The purpose of create role command is to create new role in the system from the set of permissions. Combining different permissions into roles, maintainers of Nodeserver peer network can create customized security model.


    message CreateRole {
       string role_name = 1;
       repeated string permissions = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "CreateRole",
                "role_name": "MoneyCreator",
                "permissions": [
    Field Description Constraint
    Role name name of role to create [A-Za-z0-9_]{1,7}
    Permissions array of already existent permissions set of passed permissions is fully included into set of existing permissions


    1. Set of passed permissions is fully included into set of existing permissions

    Detach role


    The purpose of detach role command is to detach a role from the set of roles of an account. By executing this command it is possible to decrease the number of possible actions in the system for the user.


    message DetachRole {
        string account_id = 1;
        string role_name = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "DetachRole",
                "account_id": "test@test",
                "role_name": "user"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID ID of account where role will be deleted already existent, account_name@domain
    Role name detached role existing role


    1. Role exists in the system
    2. Account has such role

    Grant permission


    The purpose of grant permission command is to give another account rights to perform actions over the account of transaction sender (give someone right to do something with my account).


    message GrantPermission {
       string account_id = 1;
       string permission_name = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "GrantPermission",
                "account_id": "takemiya@soramitsu",
                "permission_name": "CanAddAssetQuantity"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID id of account whom rights are granted already existent, account_name@domain
    Permission name name of granted permission permission is defined


    1. Account exists
    2. Transaction creator is allowed to grant this permission

    Remove signatory


    Purpose of remove signatory command is to remove public key, associated with an identity, from an account


    message RemoveSignatory {
        string account_id = 1;
        bytes public_key = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "RemoveSignatory",
                "account_id": "takemiya@test",
                "public_key": string(64)
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID ID of account to delete signatory from already existent, account_name@domain
    Public key Signatory to delete ed25519 public key


    When signatory is deleted, we should check if invariant of size(signatories) >= quorum holds. Signatory should have been previously added to the account

    Two cases: Case 1. When transaction creator wants to remove signatory from their account and he or she has permission CanRemoveSignatory Case 2. CanRemoveSignatory was granted to transaction creator

    Revoke permission


    The purpose of revoke permission command is to revoke or dismiss given granted permission from another account in the network.


    message RevokePermission {
       string account_id = 1;
       string permission_name = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "RevokePermission",
                "account_id": "takemiya@soramitsu",
                "permission_name": "CanAddAssetQuantity"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID id of account whom rights were granted already existent, account_name@domain
    Permission name name of revoked permission permission is defined


    1. Transaction creator should have previously granted this permission to target account

    Set account detail


    Purpose of set account detail command is to set key-value information for a given account


    message SetAccountDetail{
        string account_id = 1;
        string key = 2;
        string value = 3;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "SetAccountDetail",
                "account_id": "takemiya@soramitsu",
                "key": "position",
                "value": "Co-CEO"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID id of account whom key-value information was set already existent, account_name@domain
    Key key of information being set [A-Za-z0-9_]{1,}
    Value value of corresponding key -


    Two cases: Case 1. When transaction creator wants to set account detail to his/her account and he or she has permission CanSetAccountInfo Case 2. CanSetAccountInfo was granted to transaction creator

    Set account quorum


    The purpose of set account quorum command is to set the number of signatories required to confirm the identity of user, who creates the transaction. Use case scenario is to set the number of different users, utilizing single account, to sign off the transaction.


    message SetAccountQuorum {
        string account_id = 1;
        uint32 quorum = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "SetAccountQuorum",
                "account_id": "takemiya@test",
                "quorum": 5
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID ID of account to set quorum already existent, account_name@domain
    Quorum number of signatories needed to be included with a transaction from this account 0 < quorum < 10


    When quorum is set, it is checked if invariant of size(signatories) >= quorum holds.

    Two cases: Case 1. When transaction creator wants to set quorum for his/her account and he or she has permission CanRemoveSignatory Case 2. CanRemoveSignatory was granted to transaction creator

    Subtract asset quantity


    The purpose of subtract asset quantity command is the opposite of AddAssetQuantity commands — to decrease the number of assets on account of transaction creator.


    message AddAssetQuantity {
        string account_id = 1;
        string asset_id = 2;
        Amount amount = 3;
    message uint256 {
       uint64 first = 1;
       uint64 second = 2;
       uint64 third = 3;
       uint64 fourth = 4;
    message Amount {
       uint256 value = 1;
       uint32 precision = 2;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "SubtractAssetQuantity",
                "account_id": "test@test",
                "asset_id": "coin#test",
                "amount": {
                    "value": string,
                    "precision": int
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id from which to subtract asset account_name@domain
    Asset ID id of the asset asset#account
    Amount positive amount of the asset to add > 0


    1. Asset and account should exist
    2. Added quantity precision should be equal to asset precision
    3. Creator of transaction should have role which has permissions for subtraction of assets
    4. Creator of transaction subtracts account quantity in his/her account only

    Transfer asset


    The purpose of transfer asset command is to share assets within the account in peer network: in the way that source account transfers assets to target account.


    message TransferAsset {
        string src_account_id = 1;
        string dest_account_id = 2;
        string asset_id = 3;
        string description = 4;
        Amount amount = 5;
        "commands": [
                "command_type": "TransferAsset",
                "src_account_id": "takemiya@test",
                "dest_account_id": "nikolai@test",
                "asset_id": "coin#test",
                "description": "Salary payment",
                "amount": {
                    "int_part": 20,
                    "precision": 0
    Field Description Constraint
    Source account ID ID of account to withdraw asset from already existent, account_name@domain
    Destination account ID ID of account to send asset at already existent, account_name@domain
    Asset ID ID of asset to use already existent, asset_name#domain
    Description Message to attach to transfer No constraints
    Amount amount of asset to transfer 0 < amount < max_uint256


    1. Source account has this asset in its AccountHasAsset relation
    2. An amount is a positive number and asset precision is consistent with the asset definition
    3. Source account has enough amount of asset to transfer and is not zero
    4. Source account can transfer money, and destination account can receive money (their roles have these permissions)


    Query structure

     message Query {
      message Payload {
        uint64 created_time = 1;
        string creator_account_id = 2;
         oneof query {
           GetAccount get_account = 3;
           GetSignatories get_account_signatories = 4;
           GetAccountTransactions get_account_transactions = 5;
           GetAccountAssetTransactions get_account_asset_transactions = 6;
           GetTransactions get_transactions = 7;
           GetAccountAssets get_account_assets = 8;
           GetRoles get_roles = 9;
           GetRolePermissions get_role_permissions = 10;
           GetAssetInfo get_asset_info = 11;
         // used to prevent replay attacks.
         uint64 query_counter = 12;
      Payload payload = 1;
      Signature signature = 2;

    Each query consists of the following fields:

    1. Payload, which contains created time, id of account creator, query counter and a query object
    2. Signature, which signs payload

    Payload stores everything except signatures:

    Signatures contain one or many signatures (ed25519 pubkey + signature).


    The validation for all commands includes:

    Get account


    Purpose of get account query is to get the state of an account.

    This Query returns AccountResponse, which contains array with roles of the account and Account object with following fields:




    message GetAccount {
        string account_id = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetAccount",
        "account_id": "test@test"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id to request its state username@domain



    message AccountResponse {
        Account account = 1;
        repeated string account_roles = 2;
    message Account {
        string account_id = 1;
        string domain_id = 2;
        uint32 quorum = 3;
        string json_data = 4;
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id username@domain
    Domain ID domain of account id [A-Za-z0-9]{1,9}
    Quorum number of signatories needed to sign the transaction to make it valid integer
    json_data key-value information properly formed json information

    Get signatories


    Purpose of get signatories query is to get signatories, which act as an identity of the account.

    This Query returns SignatoriesResponse, which is one or many public ed25519 keys.




    message GetSignatories {
        string account_id = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetSignatories",
        "account_id": "test@test"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id to request signatories username@domain



    message SignatoriesResponse {
        repeated bytes keys = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Keys an array of public keys ed25519

    Get account transactions


    In a case when a list of transactions per account is needed, GetAccountTransactions query can be formed.

    This Query returns TransactionsResponse, which is a collection of transactions.




    message GetAccountTransactions {
        string account_id = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetAccountTransactions",
        "account_id": "test@test"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id to request transactions from username@domain



    message TransactionsResponse {
        repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Transactions an array of transactions for given account Committed transaction

    Get account asset transactions


    GetAccountAssetTransactions query returns all transactions associated with given account and asset

    This Query returns TransactionsResponse, which is a collection of transactions.




    message GetAccountAssetTransactions {
        string account_id = 1;
        string asset_id = 2;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetAccountAssetTransactions",
        "account_id": "test@test",
        "asset_id": "coin#test"
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id to request transactions from username@domain
    Asset ID asset id in order to filter transactions containing this asset asset_name#domain



    message TransactionsResponse {
        repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Transactions an array of transactions for given account and asset Committed transactions

    Get transactions


    GetTransactions is used for retrieving information about transactions, based on their hashes.

    This Query returns TransactionsResponse, which is a collection of transactions.




    message GetTransactions {
        repeated bytes tx_hashes = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetTransactions",
        "tx_hashes": [string(64),]
    Field Description Constraint
    Transactions hashes transactions' hashes to request transactions from (proto) array of 32 bytes, (json) 64 size of hex strings



    message TransactionsResponse {
        repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Transactions an array of transactions for given account and asset Committed transactions

    Get account assets


    To know the state of an asset per account (balance), GetAccountAssets query can be formed.

    This Query returns AccountAssetResponse.




    message GetAccountAssets {
     string account_id = 1;
     string asset_id = 2;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetAccountAssets",
        "account_id": "test@test",
        "asset_id": "coin#test",
    Field Description Constraint
    Account ID account id to request balance from username@domain
    Asset ID asset id to know its balance asset_name#domain



    message AccountAsset {
        string asset_id = 1;
        string account_id = 2;
        Amount balance = 3;
    message AccountAssetResponse {
        AccountAsset account_asset = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Asset ID identifier of asset used for checking the balance asset_name#domain
    Account ID account which has this balance username@domain
    Balance balance of asset > 0

    Get asset info


    In order to know precision for given asset, and other related info in the future, such as a description of the asset, etc. user can send GetAssetInfo query.

    This Query returns AssetResponse with an information about the asset.




    message GetAssetInfo {
        string asset_id = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetAssetInfo",
        "asset_id": "coin#test",
    Field Description Constraint
    Asset ID asset id to know related information asset_name#domain



    message AssetResponse {
    Asset asset = 1;
    message Asset {
        string asset_id = 1;
        string domain_id = 2;
        uint32 precision = 3;
    Field Description Constraint
    Asset ID asset id to get information about [A-Za-z0-9]{1,9}
    Domain ID domain related to this asset [A-Za-z0-9]{1,9}
    Precision number of digits after comma uint8_t

    Get roles


    To get existing roles in the system, a user can send GetRoles query to Nodeserver network.

    This Query returns RolesResponse containing an array of existing roles.




    message GetRoles {
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetRoles",



    message RolesResponse {
        repeated string roles = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Roles array of created roles in the network vector of strings describing existing roles in the system

    Get role permissions


    To get available permissions per role in the system, a user can send GetRolePermissions query to Nodeserver network.

    This Query returns RolePermissionsResponse containing an array of permissions related to the role.




    message GetRolePermissions {
        string role_id = 1;
                "pubkey": "…",
                "signature": "…"
        "created_ts": ,
        "creator_account_id": "admin@test",
        "query_counter": 1,
        "query_type" : "GetRolePermissions",
        "role_id" : "MoneyCreator",
    Field Description Constraint
    Role ID role to get permissions for string describing role existing in the system



    message RolePermissionsResponse {
        repeated string permissions = 1;
    Field Description Constraint
    Permissions array of permissions related to the role string of permissions related to the role

    Entity-relationship model

    This section describes the contents of World State View, or in other words — the state of entities as per the latest block in the chain.

    ER Model












    Command Line Interface

    Nodeserver Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool for creation of transaction containing commands from the command line, or sending queries to Nodeserver. It is intended to simplify interaction between the client side and Nodeserver peer. CLI could be also used for keypair generation.

    Interactive mode of cli in a nutshell represents number of steps, where at each step user must interact with the system.  To choose one of the options can type short name of the command specified in parentheses, or number of the command in the menu.

    Keypair generation

    To generate files containing private and public keys --new_account flag should be used.

    Example: bash Nodeserver-cli --new_account --account_name alice@ru --pass_phrase mysupersecretpassword --key_path ./

    After that [email protected] and [email protected] files will be generated in the key_path folder. By default key_path if not specified is the folder where Nodeserver-cli has been launched.

    Interactive mode 

    Run:  Nodeserver-cli --interactive --account_name your_account_id --key_path /path/to/keys

    Your account_id is used as the creator of the queries and transactions for signing up messages with accounts keys and fill up counters.  You can specify the location of the keypairs associated with the account_id using key_path flag. By default, current folder is used.

    Starting menu 

    At the start of cli user has two possible modes:


    Transaction CLI

    Start up of transaction cli will trigger the creation of a new transaction. Each transaction consists of commands, being equal or less than 65000. User is offered to add commands to the new transaction. All meta data of the transaction will be filled automatically (signature, tx_counter, creator account, timestamp). Currently, following Nodeserver commands are supported in Interactive CLI:


    Back option will switch back to main menu.  To add command to the transaction there are two options:

    1. Type number of the command in the menu, or command name without parameters:  This will iterate through the parameters of the command and ask user to type the parameter value.  For example typing "9" will create set account quorum command, and ask to type account id and quorum: image-3

    3. Type command name with all needed parameters .  This option can be used to quickly add command to transaction. For example typing:  set_qrm test@test 2 - will create Set_Account_Quorum command for account: test@test and quorum: 2.

    After adding the command, result menu will be printed:   image-4

    1. User can add more commands to the same transaction
    2. User can send to Nodeserver peer 
    3. Go back and create new transaction (this will delete previous transaction)
    4. Save transaction as json file locally 

    Query CLI

    Interactive query cli is build similarly as Transaction CLI. Query meta data will be assigned automatically (query_counter, time_stamp,  creator_account, signature) Currently, interactive cli supports the following queries:


    For each query there two possible modes to run: 

    1. By typing appropriate number of query, either the corresponding abbreviation specified in parentheses.
    2. Typing the command abbreviation with appropriated parameters.

    After query is formed there are following options:
